Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Worthwhile Read: A Blog About The Book Thief

      My reaction upon turning the last digital page of this book: Damn.
      After finishing this book, I was lost for words. I was simply awestruck. This has just made my list of absolute favorite books in the whole world. What a unique and compelling story. This story is so amazing, especially because it is told from death's own point of view. It makes sense considering it takes place during the Holocaust and so many deaths take place throughout the story itself. The Book Thief almost seems real to me. Talk about suspension of disbelief. This writer is awesome. I like to write myself, and all I can say is that I hope I can reach half of this guy's writing ability some day. 
      As usual, I have to admit that my love for this book was not immediate. It took me a while to really start liking it. My problem with it was the length. I felt like I would never get done. I felt like it could be told in less words. Now that I'm done with it, I wouldn't change a thing. The Book Thief is a masterpiece. It really makes me think about the state of the human race, how ugly and horrible we really are. So horrible that we haunt death himself. We are the real monsters.

     For that reason, I would love to use this in the classroom. I think it would be a good book to use as a class read-aloud even if it is super long. It could be a really long read-aloud accompanied by individual or group research and projects. Or journals and sketchbooks. Even excerpts would be good. The Book Thief is simply perfect for teaching a unit about World War II. How many books are about Germans who were against Hitler and hid Jews? 
      I would also use this book in the classroom because of Liesel's love for books. I feel like her character is so authentic and relatable that her love for books would be contagious. 
      All in all, I would definitely use this book in my Social Studies or Language Arts classroom. It will be on my shelf. I think it is a book I will be reading again and again. 
Zusak, M. (2006). The book thief. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blog: Locomotion

     Overall, I enjoyed the novel Locomotion. I admit it was good but not one of my favorites since I am not a huge of fan of poetry, especially poem novels. However, I understand how the story needed to be told through poetry. I appreciated the insight into the main character's mind. 
      However, I do have one big issue with this novel. It can be hard to grasp because it is not your typical novel. It can be hard to find the plot in this book because it seems to be made up of snippets. Honestly, I don't think this is the novel most teens would pick off of a shelf. I might do it as a class read aloud to expose kids to poetry. I think it is good for that: making poetry relatable to teens today. Kids can easily see poetry as a way for expressing their own feelings by reading this book. 
      One thing I did like about this book was how the main character questions religion. I think that during the adolescent years, people start questioning their parents' beliefs and deciding what they believe in. That is clearly done in this novel, which I think is something teens will easily relate to. 
      There is also the issue of Black and White and how the main character kind of resents his White teacher for not understanding what it is like to be Black. I think that is a huge issue that our increasingly diverse students experience today. Heck, I know I kind of went through that and probably still do. And it's not just about race. It is about socioeconomic status as a whole. 
      I think this book deals with a lot of important social issues, although it is not necessarily action-packed. 
      Moving on to the articles. 
      I found the Ben excerpt interesting but hard to relate to my book. Is it supposed to offer a different perspective? I'm not sure since it is not does not even take place in the same time period. I just got that this man was marrying this young woman and he would end up running a plantation. Even though he is against slavery. And so is she. 
      I thought the Paterson article was really interesting in terms of Locomotion. I think it is important to talk about how books can potentially offend some readers. However, like he argues, what matters is that he is not doing it to injure readers. He is simply portraying reality as he sees is. As someone who likes to write fiction as well, I can relate to that. 
      The other article, which is also by the Locomotion author, was also really thought-provoking. I can definitely see her point. Why write about something if you haven't been in that person's shoes? You can't write about being Black if you're not Black. That's true. 
     For the most part, I think. 
      I think that most people who write about experiences outside of their own probably fail. It takes a very good writer to write about someone who is nothing like him or her. It's hard not to do it without getting something wrong or portraying a prejudice.

     However, I do think that it should be done.


     Well, I recently read a novel about being sold into prostitution. Was that author a prostitute? Was she from Nepal as was the main character? No and no. But I think she did justice to this story that needed to be sold. However, she spent a long time traveling to Nepal and talking to those girls. I think that gave the story the authenticity it needed. It was a good example of how some writers can write a story that is not their own.

Lester, J. (1971). Ben. In J. Lester, The long journey home: Stories From Black   History (pp.60-88). New York: Dial.
Paterson, K. “Cultural politics from a writer’s point of view.” The New Advocate.
Woodson, J. (2003). Locomotion. New York: Puffin Books.
Woodson, J. (2003). “Who can tell my story?”. Stories matter: The complexity of cultural authenticity in children’s literature. Urbana Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

(So How Does Electricity Work??)

     The Ember books are ones I certainly enjoyed reading. Like with any other book I really enjoyed, I found out as much as I could about the author, how she got the idea, and additional books as soon as I turned the last digital page. I found out there are two more books (much to my delight) and added them to my never-ending summer reading list. 
      I must admit that I had attempted to read City of Ember before but quickly lost interest for some reason. 
      Boy, was I missing out. 
      These books are a great read and are great for the classroom as well. The plot is certainly unique and exciting. These books are perfect for inciting discussions about the state of our planet and how we mistreat it. Or about the global community's failure to get along and the possible consequences of that. Or the “right thing to do” in difficult and life-threatening situations. These books, like The Hunger Games trilogy, forces readers to think about our world and what will soon happen if we don't change. 
      I believe these books are also well-suited for the science classroom, especially because of Doon's love for bugs and finding out how things work. Students could find ways to create electricity themselves as Doon did. They could mimic his device. Heck, these books are perfect for simply arousing curiosity on how electricity works. I'm itching to Google it right now. 
      But I mustn't. At least not yet. 
      Because I do want to address one issue I did have with the books.
      In my humble opinion, they were a bit slow in the middle. I feel like these books could have been shorter. 
      On the other hand, the author makes up for that by creating pretty unique and believable characters, such as Poppy and Torren. More kudos for thinking up such a complex and interesting tale. These books have made my list of absolute favorites.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Expanding Students' Horizons Through Multicultural Literature

     When the professor exclaimed that The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian was the funniest book ever, I was a little skeptical. After all, I had just finished reading Totally Joe. So was it the funniest book ever?
     Yes it was.
      I almost choked on the cookie I was eating while reading this novel. I was laughing out loud at various scenes in the book, especially when the main character's “kind of” girlfriend was violently throwing up in the bathroom.
This book has many emotional ups and downs. That's what I loved about it. At certain times, especially when he finds out that his sister was burned alive while drunk, I almost wanted to cry. Or when his father gave him five dollars for Christmas (and late) yet he was grateful.

     I also found out why this book is on the banned list of many schools. Yet I would still keep this in my classroom. I don't think I would use it as a read aloud because it does contain many sexual references which many parents and administrators might not like. However, I would keep it on my shelf or use excerpts. This is the kind of book just about any student would enjoy: boy, girl, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, African American, multiracial, reader, non-reader, etc. I loved the illustrations and the brutal honesty of this book. It wouldn't have been nearly as good without those things.
     The one thing is that I would make this book appropriate for 8th grade and higher. I would recommend this book to my younger brother in high school. I kept thinking Oh, Junior would think this part was hilarious, or Man, and Junior thought our Christmases sucked. I also have twin brothers in middle school and a nephew in fifth grade. I would maybe give this to the twins to read because there are some things in this book that they are still not fully aware about (I hope). I would never give it to my nephew (not to mention my sister would FREAK). Now that I think about it, I would give this book to the twins. That's how bad I want them to read. Then again, my mom and older brother would FREAK.

     Anyway. Now moving on to the slightly less engaging articles about Native American literature. As far as the sports debate, I say that as long as they are not offended, I don't think it's a big deal. Except for the term “Redskin.” I feel like that term a lot more people see as offensive. I think it's the same as “wetback” for Hispanics. I can see how that should be rid of. If “wetback” was used today, it would cause an uproar. If it was used in a few hundred years, most people might have forgotten how offensive it was so they might be okay with it. However, it still has a very negative history as a word.

     Moving on to the longer article, I think it is important to make children aware of these stereotypes as young as possible. They should know that, yes, Native Americans are still around, and Thanksgiving did not happen exactly as they think they did. That also goes for the Pocahontas movie. I also appreciate the questions for guidance on selecting Native American literature. I think many times we used stereotypical materials in the classroom that we are not aware about. 
Alexie, S. (2007). The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian. New York: Little, Brown.
Harris, V. J., & Reese, D. (1997). Native Americans in Children's Literature. Using multiethnic literature in the K-8 classroom (pp. 155-185). Norwood, Mass.: Christopher-Gordon.
Price, S. (2002, March 4). The Indian Wars. Sports Illustrated, 96, 66-72.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Good Way To Address (and Resolve) LGBT Questions, Bullying, and Discomfort

     I was pretty curious about this week's readings since I have never read any LGBT literature before. I am happy to say that I was pleased with both novels as a teacher and a reader. Both books were funny, engaging, and addressed important issues occurring in our schools.
      I am really glad that I read these books. They have greatly expanded my mind and perspectives on the LGBT community. I feel like I can at least understand a little bit more what this group of people goes through. I feel this is especially important for teachers. Teenagers struggle enough to figure out who they are without stressing about not being accepted because they might be gay. From reading the articles, especially “From Queer to Gay,” I learned also that young adult literature that has gay characters has not really been published but is now on the rise. I think this will help gay students feel better about who they are. Also, other students will hopefully understand and not mistreat their gay peers. I think that with these kind of books, ones that have characters from all walks of life, students will be more comfortable discussing and learning about the LGBT community
      Although this week is all about learning about LGBT young adult literature, The Misfits and Totally Joe also bring up another hot issue in our schools .I am talking about bullying. Bullying is a horrible thing that often goes unnoticed in our classrooms. These books can help students find a role model on how to deal with these issues and perhaps make them think twice before bullying others.
As a teacher, I would honestly recommend these books to any student, whether gay, straight, or if I had no idea of their sexual identity. These books are important for all students to read because all students deserve fair treatment. These books are a great way for students to learn about the LGBT community. Honestly, students would definitely be able to handle these books, even if parents and teachers are uncomfortable with the topics brought up in the book.
I would also like to mention that I loved how Totally Joe was written. The alphabiography is a project I would love to do with my own students.
       It was also interesting to read about the picture books that discuss having gay parents. I think these are good for teaching even really young students about diversity. They should be in our school libraries even if a lot of people have problems with it. It is important to teach tolerance at a young age, and banning these books would send a horrible message about the kind of society we live in. It doesn't matter what kind of personal beliefs an individual may hold about being gay. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and equally. A good way to reach that is through YA literature in the classroom.
Howe, J. (2001). The misfits. New York, NY: Aladdin Paperbacks.
Howe, J. (2005). Totally Joe. New York, NY: Anthem Books for Young Readers.
Jenkins, C. (1998).  From queer to gay and back again:  Young adult novels with  gay/lesbian/queer content, 1969-1997. Library Quarterly, 68(3), 298-334.
Stewig, J. W. (1994). Self-censorship of picture books about gay and lesbian families. New Advocate7(3), 184-192.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog 8: Octavian Nothing

    To be honest, it took me over a hundred pages to like this book. Once I got past those hundred pages, however, I found the book exciting and a pleasure to read. M.T. Anderson does a great job of creating an engaging story and a character the reader truly cares about. The topic of this story are also unlike any other you would encounter in your typical novel. I’ve read plenty of historical fiction, but never one about the American Revolution told from the perspective of an extremely intelligent Black boy who is used for experimentation.
    What I didn’t initially like about this book was the written style. I had no idea it would be written in style of the 18th century so I was caught off guard. The unfamiliar style alienated me a bit from the story and even annoyed me. However, I quickly got used to it and came to appreciate the aim for authenticity. I also felt like it wasn’t really going anywhere. I kind of knew that Octavian and his mother were experiments for Mr. Gitney, but I didn’t see enough conflict to keep me interested. I have to admit I would have stopped reading had this not been required reading.
    I’m really glad I did keep reading, though. I learned that Octavian and his mother were Black; that his mother had been brought for the slave trade, and they were both part of an experiment to see if African Americans had the same intellectual capacities as their White counterparts. Then, the conflict increases greatly as Octavian is used to prove that Africans are inferior. Octavian changes so much, and his story captivated me. The rest of the novel was awesome, and I rooted for him all the way, hoping he would be able to escape or at least prove that he was even smarter than those around hims. Bono was also another favorite character. Towards the end of the novel, though, the perspective changes from Octavian’s first person to a variety of letters from a person who comes across Octavian. These were filled with many details I skipped over. I just wanted to know about Octavian. I was glad when the story came back to his perspective in Part III. I also was intrigued by the scribbled out pages after Octavian’s mother’s death. I think these spoke more than words.
    Although I thought Octavian Nothing was a stupendous read (and I look forward to reading the rest of the series to find out what happens to him), I don’t think this novel is completely appropriate for a middle school audience. I was reading reviews about the novel online to see what other readers had to say about the book, and one reviewer wrote that it shouldn’t even be a young adult novel. I completely agree. This novel is more appropriate for adults based on the subject matter. For example, there are sexual references throughout, such as when Octavian is pressured to read very adult stories to Bono. Much of the vocabulary is also not suitable for the typical middle schooler. I found some words that were challenging for me. I think that, along with the 18th century style, would turn off most middle schoolers.
    However, I think many passages from this book could be used in the classroom. Students could see what people wrote like back then or hear a perspective from a Revolutionary soldier. They could learn about the real experiments that happened on Africans to try to prove or disprove their capacities. I think that the story as a whole would be interesting to students, and maybe passages could be real aloud. The whole novel might be a problem, though, because of its length and occasional inappropriate scenes.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog 6: Al Capone Does My Shirts

I have to be honest. This book did not appeal to me. I've never watched any of those major gangster movies that everyone seems to have watched and sometimes talks about. I only had a vague idea of who Al Capone was. So when I saw the title, I didn't really “get” the humorous reference. So first off, if I were to use this book in one of my classes, I would be sure to give some background on this historical figure. I also didn't know that this was historical fiction. Once I read the description on the book, however, and the inside preview on the first page, the novel had my attention.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. I could hardly put it down and finished it within a couple of days. I absolutely loved this author's writing style. He is funny and entertaining, and at the same time, you come to care for the character because of the issues he has. I know that teens, especially boys, would be able to relate to this character and his sense of humor.

Another thing that I liked was that although this book is historical fiction, it doesn't seem like it. I almost feel like this story could have taken place nowadays except for the obvious lack of technology. That's how real the characters seemed to me and how much I could relate to them. However, the reader also learns so much about history in terms of Al Capone and Alcatraz prison. I thought it was amazing that this story was based on something real. I was intrigued and devoured the Author's Note at the end.

There are so many things a teen could relate to in this book. For example, Moose feels less important to his mother and often argues with her for the huge amount of responsibility he has to take as just a young middle schooler. Many kids these days still struggle with that. Also, he hardly sees his dad because he has to work two jobs to get along financially. That's something else anyone could relate to.

Another important issue that comes up in this book is autism. I never even knew autism existed as a kid. Now, I only know a little and it was through college classes that I learned about autism. I think this book is a great tool for making kids aware of autism in a way that is not boring or uncomfortable. I think that if I was a teen reading this book, I would be kind of weirded out by the condition that Moose's sister, has but I would also connect very deeply to his protectiveness and intense love for her.

All in all, this book was not action-packed like other reads. However, it dealt with lots of important emotions and issues. Also, it was funny, which is always a good thing in young adult books. I found myself hating Piper and rooting for Moose and his sister. Yet, I liked that even Piper seemed to show a good side at the end. And the ending I will never forget. How awesome is it that Moose got a world-known convicted felon to help his sister get into the school? I think that shows another important lesson: even criminals have a heart.